Sometimes you hear people talk about how useless social media is, how Twitter is just for updating what you ate for lunch and who cares about that (btw I had an amazing slice of blueberry pie last night)…but I disagree wholeheartedly.
A couple of years ago as I started getting into photography, I used Twitter to connect with other artists to see what they did and support their work. And of course to share my own. Along the way I met some awesome guys and became friends with them…even though we all were scattered across the country. Or in Heath O’Fee’s case…Canada. Just over a year ago, a bunch of us “Twitter friends” descended upon New  York City…where we met each other in person for the first time and spent three days hanging out. I have to say…it was an amazing time.
A few months later Heath flew down from Canada to vacation in Palm Springs with his family, and I met him along with a few other photographers, in Joshua Tree National Park. A two-day stint shooting that park and then wandering over to the Salton Sea. Of course it was a blast. Good dudes, friendships formed or some made stronger. Sleeping in tents during sub-32 degree (Fahrenheit) weather will do that.
And a few weeks ago, Heath was once again down in Palm Springs with his wife Brei and little baby girl Rory…and they ended up driving over to Phoenix. Heath not only helped me shoot a wedding while he was here, but he asked me to take some family photos for them.
All of this because I followed Heath on Twitter one day.
Needless to say, I’m so excited to post these photos. I’d been dying to meet Rory and never thought I’d get a chance until suddenly he told me they were coming to Phoenix. Now Heath of course is an amazing photographer himself, so he already has beautiful images of his little girl (she’s one lucky lady)…but I know how hard it is for us picture-takers to get in front of the camera, so this was fun to do for them!
Thanks buddy again for helping me shoot that wedding and letting me take some snaps of you guys. Love your little crew there, love that little girl who stared at me the whole time…and I only hope we can run into each other again real soon.
Look at that tooth!