Tomorrow I will be posting my recap of images from 2012 and this one is part of that collection. But I felt like it deserved its own post prior to that one, just because of how special it is to me.
This is my daughter during a storm chase early last summer. We had stumbled across a wide open, cracked earth field near Eloy. The sky was amazing. The sun was casting sick rays from behind them. And Lyla, being the independent girl that she is, started wandering off towards the sunset, always looking back at me to see when was “too far.” But I stood there in awe and then laid down to start snapping. A single tree, a beautiful horizon, ridiculous clouds and my little girl framed against all of it.
A magical moment for me…probably my favorite photograph from last year. I couldn’t think of a better title for the post today, but it IS Movie Title Wednesday after all!