Back in October I helped my good friend and photog extraordinaire Trevor Dayley shoot Rob and Anna’s wedding. I was so blessed to be a part of this event, not only because it was fantastic to hang out with Trevor for a few hours, but also the wedding itself was absolutely beautiful.
I always want to tell a story with my wedding posts, but since I was only helping Trevor for this one, I didn’t get to find out too much about Rob and Anna. I do know they constantly get asked how old they are since they both look very young. And Anna was the last of her 3-4 sisters to get married, which made Dad shed quite a few tears at the reception! I can’t imagine having that many daughters and seeing them all get married one by one. Just watching Father of the Bride these days results in me getting all weepy eyed.
This wedding was so gorgeous. Rob and Anna were awesome and looked amazing. Once we stepped into the backyard reception area, Trevor and I couldn’t stop taking pictures of all the details being set-up by Rust and Lace. It was almost a duel to see who was getting the better compositions (I won of course). I would HIGHLY recommend them for your own wedding. And then please invite me to shoot it for you. I could never grow tired of their vintage items and beautiful flower arrangements.
And hats off to DJ Matt Figueroa for doing a seriously cool job.
There was a lot of other fun stuff too…like the kids jumping on the trampoline…or one of the groomsmen jumping THROUGH the trampoline. Ah, you’ll see a bit later.
Thanks to Trevor for inviting me to help him (here is his blog post of the wedding), to Rob and Anna for being awesome and  to the entire family on both sides. Had such a fun time and I wish these two newlyweds the very best.