Just over a week ago I drove out to Joshua Tree National Park with Rick Young and Chris Frailey. We met up with Heath O’Fee (down from Canada), Chris DeAngelis (California) and Doug Wise (also California). The plan was to hang out in the park for a sweet sunset, shoot some stars, shoot the sunrise and then mosey on over to the Salton Sea for another sunset.
The plan was great except for absolutely zero clouds anywhere that first evening. Photographers hate that.
So when the sky is boring, I usually turn my camera on my buddies and start shooting them instead. We setup camp in the early afternoon and then went on a short hike to a dam with no water. Along the way I snapped some shots of the guys and a few of the beautiful landscape around us. The trees were just amazing, but it was mostly just a ton of fun to hang out with some friends I don’t see very often and get to know everyone a bit better.
Had a blast guys, hope we all can do this again down the road! (minus the 25 degree overnight temps)